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Category: Thursday


M83 – Wait (The Fault in Our Stars)

As you read along these lines, sure you’re breathing and your heart is beating.

Are you aware my friend?

And, just in case, if you’re still reading, I want to assume you’re living a relatively comfortable life with all your most basic needs met, including WiFi!

Care to self-examine? self-reflect?


However, did it ever occur to you, how delicate, fragile, vulnerable and absolutely naked our real Life is.

The most basic freedom we dance on; this food on the table; perhaps the blanket you’re in, this fine roof over your head; these beautiful clothes you wear & all-to-mandatory cosmetics you put on to add flavors to your otherwise simple-self or be it your lovely family, or the love of your life and even your own youth which we sadly, … insanely take for granted — can be easily snapped off of you or me, in any fucking m.o.m.e.n.t! ANY!

Care to realize?

Have you ever exercised life and the choices you make from this not-so-glittery perspective?

Plus, by saying that, I don’t mean only death as a certain, unexpected predicament to our normal life per se, because, sure there are so-fucking-many shits that can rob and kill us for real.

So, awareness?!

As cited in a poem, Epic of gilgamesh:

Man is snapped off like a reed in the canebrake!

The comely young man, the pretty young woman. All too soon in their prime Death abducts them!

Epic of Gilgamesh

Now since, Life is but a becoming end!

Please choose your life in general & your story specifically — wisely! Deliberately! Beautifully! Gracefully!

Awareness is the key.

And, lastly, a grain of wisdom :-

Don’t mistake real life for an instagram circus. No doubt, it’s way cool out there.

Because, real life is well — Real!

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Are you in a real relationship at all?

Ed Sheeran – Tenerife Sea

Real. Organic. Sustainable. Blissful. Fulfilling. Warm. Homogenous. Generous. Synergic. Symbiotic. Ever growing. Caring. Steel strong. No lies. Zero deceit.

Fundamentally driven by profound trust, rooted understanding, healthy commitment, lifelong support, unquestionable sincerity and mutual faithfulness.

Being respectful. Having earnest sense of gratification. Being there for one another. Intertwined with humbling friendship. Humorous. Humorous and humorous!

Well, in this 21st century of commercially infested love, or the idea of love, my honest question to you all my friends,

are you in a real relationship at all?

With yourself?

With your boyfriend? or girlfriend?

With your spouse? children? or siblings? cousins? or parents? grandparents? even your pets? or your friends?

And, a follow-up question,

are you taking all that good for fxcking GRANTED?

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Fuck Birthdays’

In a great scheme of things, what would change if I die right after publishing this post?[su_pullquote align=”right”]Fuck Birthdays’, again![/su_pullquote]

Sadly, nothing!

Who’d give the real fucks to my dead self?

Family. Few kind souls. Mostly, no one!

Who’d celebrate my half-baked, wildly flaymboyant life? Who’d tell all my authentic stories and perhaps laugh on them? Or least, share my original recipes for a complete, fulfilling, fertile life, right, … right after my life line had been cut off?

By and large, no one!

No one! no one! No one.


Dear Bros’,

That’s how much insignificant and trivial we all are. Or at least to my true senses, I a.m.

That’s how little tomorrow matters or any day of sorts matter at all.

Fuck Birthdays’ again!

So so so, here’s a life saving unsolicited advice to all my dear amigos.

An important Lifehack per se.

[su_quote]You literally don’t have to spend your precious seconds with someone you don’t like or for fuck sake — waste your fucking breathe on something or over someone you don’t want to.[/su_quote]

Pufffff!!! Brain blasstttt!! Phewwwww!

So so so, take and make use of your most precious freedom, freedom of life, freedom of expression and freedom of existence for as long as you have it, for as long as you are here!

And one last thing — in the language of one of my mentor, a celebrated poet Mr. Charles Bukowoski, “Don’t Try”.

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Sathi – Sushant KC

“Friendship is unnecessary,” C.S. Lewis wrote“like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself… it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”

Not all your friends and followers on facebook, instagram and twitter will attend your funeral or even care to shed a teardrop on your passing away!

Friendship cannot be ordinary. It’s a luxury.

Friendship, my friend is like falling in love with this one person. Symbiotic, unconditional, heavy to fathom, heavenly to have.

Not many care to acknowledge but genuine friends and for-real friendships is a celebration of happiness but such equally is the sadness too. Matter of fact, friendships without shared despair and compassion is dubious.

Friendship is an uncomfortable, shameless, unfiltered exchange of words and at times interjected with awkward silences too. It’s about earning trust, fecking judgements, cultivating loyalty, comforting the other, helping one another and more important of all — growing together.

Friendship with all sincerity is about less and less screen time and more about melting conversations; about respecting differences and rejoicing shared values. It’s not some voodoo crap, you’ll very much know it in your blood and bones when you’ve made this special bond with someone truly amazing. They can be your own parents, siblings, cousins, boyfriend, girlfriends, classmates, colleagues, any human and even non-humans for example your pets.

Never mistake friendship for people you dance, party, walk, tour, eat, drink, and laugh with. Friendship goes way deeper than that; it begets from being truly grateful for having found each other and cherish such commotions for as long as the two live. Simply put, honest friendship is merely about just being there and caring enough.

Personally the revealing realization of true friendship occurred to me when i had butterflies all over my stomach and the restless beatings of heart — budump! budump! budump! along with nauseating feeling of out of breathe whenever I was meeting my friends (including my own brother and a sister) in the airport.


A friend is one less arsehole in life. And of course, without a shred of doubt, f.r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p is the most rewarding, rare expedition for a lifetime but sadly only for a lucky few.

Now that you know about friendship, briefly, we can conclusively say :-

Friends are forever पासा।

And, Friendship is एउटा मिठो कथा।

Finally, on a departing note, I’d like to end with Seneca’s noble reason for forming a friendship, wherein he says,

For what purpose, then, do I make a man my friend? In order to have someone for whom I may die, whom I may follow into exile, against whose death I may stake my own life, and pay the pledge, too.


That’s friendship!

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Stop feeling special on your birthdays

For the last two years I’ve not missed writing stuffs on my birthday.

  1. Here’s one that went on 2018
  2. And the one published during november of 2017

Now, here goes one — again!

This time however, I insist upon ‘stop feeling special on your birthdays’.

Why you ask?

[Well, well, well. Because! ]

First, for fuck sake, stop sleepwalking and ask yourself, why do you feel (or precisely stimulated to feel) so so special on this one day while mostly it’s your same self who’s sick, stick, stiff, stuck, dumb, exhausted, soul-less, worthless, defeated, broken, sad, complaining, inadequate, impatient, empty, searching, scratching and scrolling for the rest of the year?


Is that because, your so called friends or relatives who’d otherwise go into a year long hibernation come out of nowhere to drop a fucking ‘Happy birthday to you beloved or you are such a lovely sweetheart, HBD! or many many happy returns of the fucking day or love you infinitely and wish you tons and tons of happiness on this birthday sorts of Facebook messages, whatsapp texts, instagram stories, et cetera.

[ to be continued]

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