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Tag: rule no 6

Rule no 6 Re-defined

Nine – Sleeping At Last

European Philosopher, René Descartes once famously theorized, “Cogito, ergo sum.” Which translates to english as, “I think, therefore I am.” Meaning – our act of thinking about thoughts of thoughts is a proof of our existence, and vice-versa.


So, about my thoughts on thoughts?

Simple, It’s all our head!


Call it, the chatbot. Call it Knowledge or the illusion of it.

Call it, a breathing menace. Kindness. Fear. Judgement. Complications. Solutions. Anxiety. Grace.

Call it the epitome of crazy-badshit-shenanigans or the manmade definition of normal.

Call it happiness or a fucking sadness.


Heed carefully, thoughts, they manifests in the language we speak. The tone we ensue. Conclusions we draw. Wave we create. World we see. Attitudes and behaviors that surfaces and bespeaks. In our ignorance. In our suffering. In Buddha that shelters inside us. And also in Monkey that annoys us from inside-out.

Thoughts; good or bad, healthy or harrowing, healing or hammering has absolutely no congruency, no connections, matter of fact — nothing to do with the reality of things we call Life! Not a fragment of shit!


Surgically dissect any thoughts that is ruminating around your head for quite sometime now. And, you won’t be surprised to acknowledge or to realize that these self-inflicted, illusionary warm-hole of mental excreta, have entirely no tangible objectifications, no logical expression, no forms, no substance, but mostly a crap-load-of gibberish, self-serving, disguised, deluded, non-sensical cocksureness; successfully creating a gigantic blackhole of blindspots and simultaneously also insinuating horse-shit-of deafening confusions and the illusion of realism.

Thing is, thoughts  have no flesh, no leash, no control over itself, no concrete floodgates. Thoughts are abstract, non-existential, paralyzing, decapitating. Emptying. Suffocating. Painful!

A tweet from @KapilGuptaMD, “Few men come to realize that their entire life has been lived inside their mind” surfaces on my twitter feed rightfully validates this thesis on my school of thoughts about thoughts.


Now, the question remains, how to not give in to our own alley alike enemy called thoughts?

Precisely, how to filter thoughts!

Well, rule no 6 says,

“Don’t take yourself so damned seriously!”


Because, If you take life (or your own thoughts in the language of René) too damn seriously, you miss out on the joy and the adventure life defaults at. You expect. You complain. You get too attached to your self-serving-self.

So, unsolicited piece of advice:

Mostly, help yourself to BE lightweight as you abide by DTYSDS platitude, so that you can in any given day, help somebody who’s in need of your help!

Mostly, chill so that you don’t feed yourself the drug of nihilism!


To the nutshell :-

Don’t take yourself so damned seriously is undoubtedly the right tool out of the box to weaponize yourself from your own thoughts!

Good luck!


And one last thing

Presenting you a story woven around Rule number Six

Two prime ministers were sitting in a room discussing affairs of state.  Suddenly an aide burst in, shouting and stamping and banging his fist on the desk.  The host prime minister quietly said, “Peter, kindly remember Rule Number Six.”  Peter was instantly restored to complete calm, apologized for the interruption, and left the room.  The prime ministers resumed their discussion.  Several minutes later, another aide rushed in, shouting and stamping.  Again the host prime minister quietly said, “Marie, please remember Rule Number Six.”  Marie calmed down immediately, apologized, and left the room.

The visiting prime minister said “I’ve seen many things in my life, but never anything as remarkable as this.  Tell me, what is this Rule Number Six?”  The host prime minister said, “It’s really very simple.  Rule Number Six is ‘Don’t take yourself so damned seriously.’”  After a moment of pondering, the visiting prime minister inquired, “And what, may I ask, are the other rules?”

The host replied, “There aren’t any.”


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