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It all started from the sound of a coffee vending machine and a girl with a curly hair. ~Author

Shawn Mendes – There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back

Dear SV,

With due respect and hands-down, it’s my heartfelt privilege to wish us both on our Second Lovenniversary bud!

Just looking back on our past inventories, it’s been two years already —

of this crazy, holy ride with you,…,

of us trekking life’s inevitable peaks and valleys, and still striding strong,

of this top secret relationship,

of Netflix parties and web-series,

of mo:mos, and pizza dates,

and so many beautiful good mornings, good nights and the in-betweens.

Again, turning pages, it’s been two years

of ass-cracking and profane telegram GIFs,

of you bearing with my disgusting swearing over texts.

of you constantly having backed up my lazy ass,

of not to miss — your such many worth-for-every-dime restaurants treats,

and most importantly — your selfless, serious-for-fucking-real ‘Friendship’.

And, yeah it’s been two years already —

of constantly irritating you and pissing your butt-off,

of being together — although mostly on hide-and-seek mode,

of getting to know each other inside, out and backwards,

of bracing the storms together and looking after one another,

of making frequent trips to Bhat Bhateni,

of your unpredictable Kindness,

of your beautiful Sexy-ness,

and most importantlyof our countless bittersweet stories in one frame, and of course, our Two Lives in One Thread!

Can’t wait to marry you and wake up next to you!

p.s. I foooooooking love you bruhhhhh.

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Fresh road

Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.

~ Marcus Aurelius

Dream Chaser – Joey Kidney

This is not rocket science.

You don’t have to ask a terminal patient what it’s like to be able to go through a normal day — merely breathing easy with their lungs, stealing smiles, feeling painless, and cherish and celebrate every single day of their remaining days; and at the same time also having to go through fear that — any one moment could be the end of their chapter.

Please take a moment and re-read what I just wrote above and please don’t rush there.

My grand mother who passed away 6 months ago opened me to this remarkable, starling realization without saying a word.

That to me ‘Memento Mori’ will always be of significant utility than ‘Carpe diem!’ aphorism.

To say the least —

I cannot emphasize enough that everyday’s a fresh road.

That yesterday ended and will never be the same way again.

That today will forever be the most important day of our entire one full life.

That we are ephemeral beings and so are our problems.

That, death is inevitable.

That nothing in life presented to you is not fresh.


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What do you want to do with this one precious life?

Live immediately!

~ Seneca

Maple Whiskey – James Spaite


All that matters is that you are here.

All well.

All put together.

Able to breathe.

Able to walk, talk, see, taste.

Able to feel your heartbeats and the skins of your skin.



all you must know is that life is not without ends.

That our birth in-and-itself is a death sentence.

That the fire will eventually extinguish!

That no matter your instagram is full of glary and flary shits but the truth is celebrations drains and depletes over time! All the time.

That life will inevitably suck at different point-in-time.

That today is important for the rest of our life.


one simple, profound,  question that saves me from

all the misfortunes and miseries,

worries and weird twists,

fears and losses,

painful past and the uncertain future is — 

What do you want to do with this one precious life?


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What do you need in life?

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” –Aristotle

No air – Lúc

Question: What do you need in life?



The Drive.

Unconditional love and acceptance.

Real Friendship.


True joy.

The positive vibes.

Genuine curosity.

A quiet mind.

Healthy health.

A Calm Tummy, and most importantly

Peaceful Sleep

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Do the math

“Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.” ~ Viktor Emil Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Farhan Akhtar Poem -1
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Farhan Akhtar Poem -2
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Farhan Akhtar Poem – 3
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Farhan Akhtar Poem – 4 | Ye Jaane Kaisa Raaz Hai

If we were to live for the next 50 years, We will approximately have

600 months,

2,607.14 weeks,

and 18,250 hours left.

Nonetheless, looking at these numbers

  • should, wake us all up from our deepest pits of despair and disgust, excuses and expectations, unfair compromises and loud complains.
  • and must, for obvious reasons push us into thinking that even if we’re to waste a single hour of our remaining time on something that’s not adding any … and I fucking mean a.n.y value to our lives — we rightly so deserve to be living an unfulfilled-painful-wasted life by our own accord.

You see, with clean numbers, maths becomes a breeze.

Do the math my friends!


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Don’t be a caged bird.

“It is not things that upset us, but our judgements about those things.” — Epictitus

Sasha Sloan – Dancing With Your Ghost

We have a unique obsession with the past. Don’t we all?

The ‘gone episodes of life‘, both Good and Bad.

Surprisingly, The Bad Ones tend to stick with us for a longer period of time. And, in worst cases even leading us to chronic depression or nihilism, even suicides.

We also have list of vocabularies to describe these things of the past — we call them Events. Moments. Memories, or ‘Stories’ and ‘Snaps’ created over our beloved social media bubble.

But, most of all, we all have that persistent, whispering, irritating, excruciating and looping ‘Voice’ in our head which keeps on poking and scratching and tingling and pinching at the specific events of those bygone days.

Days we will never, ever re-live.

Moments, we can never go back to and redo shits.

Memories, we so deliberately choose to get stuck onto, loop over and over only to accept at the end — that it’s completely out of our hands.

Brain-vomits like:

I had the worst day of my life.

That boy cheated on me; broke my trust and left me alone to suffer — destroying my life altogether.

That last office I worked at was a total garbage and the acquaintances! — I don’t even want to talk about them. It was an utter waste of time.

My last boss really took a great deal of advantage out of my loyalty and honestly. What a piece of jerk!

Things like :- Oh! I should have done this. I should’ve not done that.

Wishful chatters like: I wish things had turned out this way or that way or easy way or my way!

Holy Fish!

You see, there’s just no limit to our wild imagination of carefully nitpicking our past craps or state of affairs — that we think didn’t go well or go as we expected.

Consequently, and unwillingly having ourselves dragged into a good, shitty, deep spiral road-trip down the rabbit hole of despair, of doubts, of restlessness, of utter pain and fucked questions! Eventually, turning us Pro at crying, whining, complaining, blaming and worst — an acting victim! With of course a collateral damage of having to carry an infested skull full of resentments and dissatisfaction.

Holy Fish!

Well, antidote?

Please, on’t beat yourself up for things beyond this moment, beyond your control and more importantly don’t be a caged bird! (I hope you get the metaphor)

Rather, acknowledge the devil — which are your own thoughts and decisively turn introspective by meditating over meaningful questions (metaphorically speaking) instead of subscribing to subjective, non-sensical, baseless, one-sided monkey chatter. (Trust me, I’m guilty of this myself.)

Yes — Simple, profound, weighty questions like

  • Could it have been worst?
  • What’s the lesson I could learn in the situation?
  • What’s the path forward from here?
  • Where do I see myself 72 hours from now …. 3 months from now, a year from now, 2 years from now?

can save your day!


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Jump right in, or wade in slowly.

Advantage to one, it’s over quickly.

Advantage to the other, it isn’t.

~ Maira Kalman
Groove Delight – Lord Vader

2020 was just a number.

So is 2021.

All you have is that ‘one day‘;

This moment;


And, Never. Forget. That!

Happy New Year Shit is merely to say — straighten up your shoulders, get your acts together again! And do something gravely useful with your time.


P.S. Happy New Year from Us
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We suffer more in our imagination more often than in reality.” ~ Seneca

Kina – Wish I Was Better (Lyrics) feat. yaeow

From how I understand Breakups —

Breakup is always a choice.

Better if mutual.

Best if one of the two fucks up. Because you see, that holy fucker is merely an opportunistic scavenger; and undoubtedly a ‘would-have-been’ lifelong baggage of regrets. An imbecile pathogen per se.

My friend, Breakups bends but mends.

Rationally weighing over it — there’s no ugly side.

p.s. learned the word ‘imbecile’ from a netflix movie ‘Serious Men’.

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I cry

I tried to hold it in, but tears tear up anyway. I let it be.


Nicholas Yee – Time (Inception)

It’s better I confess and move on.

I cry almost, … almost every other night despite this perfect ‘all is well’ cosmetic I put on.

Solitude. Loneliness. I swing in-between. Killingly.

‘Could haves’ clutters up my headspace. Blindfolds me. Squeezes me on my neck and hammers nail right through my literal heart.

Tears tear up.

And, I let it sway me.

And, I wonder after a while,… matter of fact, I wonder after every whiles that perhaps this is called ‘cleansing memories‘ of my grandmother’s final days.


Understanding life.

Contemplating death.

Embracing fragility.

Steadily healing.


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