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Asch Experiment

Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.

Prateek Kuhad – Mulaqat

The Asch Experiment, in order words A group conformity Experiment.

In this experiment, a volunteer is told that he/she is taking part in a visual perception test. What s/he doesn’t know is that the other participants are actors and s/he is the only person taking part in the real test, which is about Group Conformity.

In the due course of the test, the volunteer along with other actors are shown series of line lengths on cardboards. Each cardboards has one right answer among many other options. In each round, the actors deliberately give wrong answers unanimously until eventually the subject doubts his/her own perception of things and rather choose to go along with the group perception instead.

This experiment has been repeated so many times, and the results have been consistent again and again, and again.

In a nutshell, we, by nature tend to bend towards crowd conformity despite the reality/ truth of the matter.

Now that you’ve read thus far, I hope this wealth of knowledge and wisdom sets in your deep conscience for anytime to grab whenever you find yourself rhyming with mob’d dead brain. I hope this small article aspire you to grow to be an original thinker.


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Stress. Anxiety. Fears.

“No one good is ever truly good, and no one bad is ever truly bad“.

Novo Amor – From Gold 

It has been a while.

Few housekeeping.

It’s been over a month I’ve been in Seattle to be alongside with my best friend while he has been going through a kidney transplant surgery.

It was rough.

Things however, are getting better. Nonetheless, everyday is different.

Patience is a virtue we ought to worship.

But, this is not an excuse for me for not being able to keep up with my weekly schedule of Musicpervs.

I needed a break!

Today, I wanted to talk about whether it’s good to have stress. Anxiety.

Fears and the likes.


My father use to say, “Don’t stress out about things.”

I’d rather contest, “We’d have to have as much appetite to stomach as many life’s challenges as we can.”

For, Good stress keeps us in our toes.

Healthy anxiety is good for growth.

Fear not necessarily is an Agent Smith.

Now, having said that, it is also imperative that stress, anxiety, fears and the likes also have to be thoughtfully, mindfully, and carefully filtered among the two evident silos..

One helpful. The other harmful.
One has prospect. The other punishes.

One is a prayer. The other willful blindness.

One is a must. The other is a choice.


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Coqueta SF

Philosophy gives a way to life. Don’t let it come in a way of trying to live a gleeful life. Balance.

~ Musicpervs
Alex Yurkiv, Thelma Costolo – Take Me to the River (I Will Swim) 

Couple housekeeping: Paid off my student debt. New plans on the way. Dinner date after a while.

Over dinner date this evening, I and my girlfriend talked about trodding the path of lifeline with the end in mind.

I went in to explain her that either of us is going to outlive the other — only if we were not to get into an unfortunate, unimaginable accident together. Touchwood.

I also confronted her that secretly, I do enjoy her getting pissed off at me, for at least she has me who she can trust to vent off at, to get angry at and know things will fall back to normal when things have cooled off.

I told her we ought to learn to not take the other for granted and cherish our partnership; our moments of togetherness as well as the times we’d separate with kindness, care and utter delicacy.

I told her that I want to see and experience world, different culture, different stories. She shared all she wants in life is not to be bothered by anybody and live rest of her lives without pressure.

I also went on to tell her, that fundamentally all we’d ever crave for is one clean, full, deep breathe of fresh air, a food on the table, and few we love around us. I told her I don’t really see the point of being angry, being dissatisfied, even chasing things. Exception: Trying to be better than yesterday is a must.

In the due course, we clinked on our choices of red wine. Ate the spanish dishes we had never tried before. Bitched and buried one or two on our colorful, intense conversation. Most definitely savored the San Franciscan, Spanish culinary experience at ‘Coqueta SF’ to the fullest. Rode the Bay Wheel together, laughed a lot, lived a little more.


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Don’t. Miss. Anything.

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

—John Lennon.
Mumford & Sons – Ghosts That We Knew

Jim Rohn in one of his famous speech went onto say,”

Something my parent taught me that they practiced all their life. Now I practice.

Don’t Miss Anything.

Don’t miss the game.

Don’t miss the concert.

Don’t miss the performance

Don’t miss the show

Don’t miss the conversation.

Don’t miss the sermon.

Don’t miss the class.

Don’t. Miss. Anything.







(With gesture of hands, suggests)

Let that Flavor of life be part of your lifestyle.

Elton John sings, “She lived her life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to cling to, when the rain set in.”

What if you missed that?

See, that wouldn’t be good.

George Harrison used to sing before he died, “If not for you, the winter would hold no spring. Couldn’t hear a robin sing. I just wouldn’t have a clue if not for you.”

Again with meaningful gesture of hands re-iterates,

Go Taste.

Go Listen.

Go Enjoy.”

See, one thing is for certain.

Nobody is ever, never prepared for what is going to happen in our lives far into the future.

But the only guarantee that renders a glimmer of healthy hope, that this one time opportunity ‘life’ would eventually fold in a good enough episode is to actually plant, nurture and water the seeds of wisdom as it progresses.

Go explore Jim. He was the harbinger of a laying out his unique template for a practical, pragmatic and most importantly a good-enough life.


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Important conversations. Important people.

Cladestina – Emma Peters

Conversation of once being dirt poor.

Conversation of how life changed … is changing.

Not rich.



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Here be dragons

“You need find your dragons, look them in the eye, and destroy them.”

Julien Smith (The Flinch)
wrabel – flicker

Magnus Carlsen won today’s Round 4 Game 2 Classical chess must-win match with Vincent Keymer on FIDE World Cup AzerBaijan 2023.

He lost to the 18 year old phenom yesterday and had to produce a win out of thin year in this highly stressful game of mind.

This game is such a grind tweets @kyle_is_lurnking.


He slayed his dragon, and for sure learned a bizzilion dollar lesson of ‘situational awareness and patience’ but most importantly he had a taste of overcoming the flinch on and off the chess board right on-time before the crucial matches of world cup is due to begin.

Let’s see what happens on tomorrow’s tie breaker game.

Without an exception, we also have and will most certainly come face-to-face with many dragons in our lives

  • given a life’s purposeful,
  • given a life’s not a garbage,
  • given we’re alive in our mind & heart

and, when we did and would eventually confront one in coming future — deal with the flinch at face value and give our all to not turn the other way around.

To understand the stories of flinches, I highly recommend ‘The Flinch – By Julien Smith’.

And, as stated at Page 38, paragraph 2 in the book: Old explorers even had a phrase for it: “Here be dragons.”

Thank me later.

The idea is when you see the dragon (metaphor);

Not have fear of defeat.

Not have fear of getting lost.

Not be afraid of pain, predicaments.


Not for anybody, anything. But for you.


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San Francisco. Solution.

Impermanence is permanent.

Vismay Patel – Dariya

It’s been couple of weeks I’ve been out of instagram, facebook grid. I don’t know if I will ever be back. Although my X (formerly Twitter) usages has gone up.

Since Elon Musk took over X, residing in San Francisco and closely following his works, intentions and personality as a whole has personally made my life more purposeful.

San Francisco is not an easy city to live in. It is the 8th most expensive city in the world according to World Economic Forum but not without the grave problem.

In all sincerity, every-time I walk around the financial district, especially around the market street in the course of going towards my fitness center, or every-time I take a walk to the Ferry Building through Embarcadero, through Montgomery Street, every-time I take an Uber to go visit my best friend at El Cerrito; being able to afford all this, being able to have all of these experiences utterly enriches my heart. Not that this is the first time I’m saying I feel grateful to be living at this phase of my life. Yes, I’m grateful.

The center of it all, without-a-doubt is the ‘Solution’.

Sometimes I wonder, only had I not h.e.r in my life, how all of these was even a possibility.

Sometimes I wonder what if I lose her, that she leaves me on my own to be.

Sometimes I wonder what if I have to leave this city that I’ve fallen heads over heels with.


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Walk the Talk

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” 

Theodore Roosevelt
scars (ft. mishaal) [also on spotify]

There’s a beautiful saying, “You can’t win if you’re not in the game.”

So, Walk the talk.

Today, in a conversation I’ve had with one of my former student (now a brother alike) who recently completed his Chartered Accountant exam after more than 7 attempts; He for sure is a fucking warrior; We went on to touch upon the idea of “when will one’s life be better at all?” To which I finished off with a quote by one of my mentor Naval Ravikant — “Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”

Implying the fact that for any kind of noble progress pursuit, it does demand suffering, it does sought sacrifice, it does crave commitment, it does call for patience.

That, Life for all good intents and purposes rewards action than the intelligence as James Clear clearly puts it.

That to live a life of purpose, that to be able to take up more responsibilities is more worthy that to merely wish for life to get better.

That so many great people fail to get even started in the first place, and signaling plastic virtuousness in absence of clear actions is obvious stupidity!

Walk the Talk.


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Internet is a weird place

If I am what I have and if what I have is lost, who then am I?
Nobody but a defeated, deflated, pathetic testimony to a wrong way of living.

 Erich Fromm, To Have or to Be? The Nature of the Psyche
Somebody Else – Vancouver Sleep Clinic,Amelia Magdalena,Pop Goes Ambient

We are constantly trying to push the narrative

that we are as happy as anyone could be

that we are enjoying this one grand life all the time, all the more

that we’ve been to places; seen places

that we’re wise or mostly pretend to be one

that we’re hunting, gathering and treasuring memories

that we’re pretty, handsome, beautiful and attention slash praise worthy

that we’re self-acclaimed celebrity

that we’ve figured it all out and caption them for other to get a piece of that shallow knowledge, shallow experience

that we have a perfect life

that we are somebody we are not.


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