Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
The Asch Experiment, in order words A group conformity Experiment.
In this experiment, a volunteer is told that he/she is taking part in a visual perception test. What s/he doesn’t know is that the other participants are actors and s/he is the only person taking part in the real test, which is about Group Conformity.
In the due course of the test, the volunteer along with other actors are shown series of line lengths on cardboards. Each cardboards has one right answer among many other options. In each round, the actors deliberately give wrong answers unanimously until eventually the subject doubts his/her own perception of things and rather choose to go along with the group perception instead.
This experiment has been repeated so many times, and the results have been consistent again and again, and again.
In a nutshell, we, by nature tend to bend towards crowd conformity despite the reality/ truth of the matter.
Now that you’ve read thus far, I hope this wealth of knowledge and wisdom sets in your deep conscience for anytime to grab whenever you find yourself rhyming with mob’d dead brain. I hope this small article aspire you to grow to be an original thinker.
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