I wait for Thursdays. Trust me, it is always a blank page and orgy of thoughts.
Well, few housekeeping since last Thursday.
- I and my girlfriend opened my long deactivated facebook account. It’s a pacific of cool past shits. I’m certain she’s already dived deep to the bottom of the holy ocean.
- Sadly, one of my cousin sister contracted COVID19. She’s recovering gracefully.
- Uploaded my first IGTV video. Made with Final Cut Pro.
- Created a simple family video. Again, refreshed Final Cut Pro skill.
- A cousin brother ‘Nijal Shrestha’ eventually got admitted to ‘Nepal Police Academy’ for his 8th standard after three years of attempts after attempts in a row.
- Working on my daily habits cum routine. Hopefully, I’ll soon be back to my 9PM-3AM sleep habit. And, not to forget, she’s also doing everything she can to get me back on my previously adored routine. See, she’s a keeper!
- Getting my hands on guitar at least once a day.
- Trying to have as much fun with Grand ma. I visit her every day (except for rainy evenings) and we trash talk a lot and laugh our privileged arsee out loud!
That’s long enough already. And sorry for wasting your time.
Now, without further ado, serving you the main dish of the day — yeah, Endless scrolling it is!
First, before I spill science, I want to quickly kick off with my curiosity for ya’all
[ intentional pause ]
Are you also guilty of being a happy prisoner of a social media factory
this seemingly rewarding but profoundly pacifying; this amazing but largely fake and deceiving; this so-easy-to-use but so-easy-to-get-consumed by-and hooked-into; this dopamine inducing, which is not bad in itself but also self-control-shaking and tirelessly,… numbingly habituating us to seek validations and approvals and conformations from others?
If you say —
Hell no!
I fucking love this shit and I love my phone.
Then, please, don’t bother going any further.
It’s okay.
However, if you are like me who agrees to be sicken with this disease and duly accept the mindless wandering out into the woods of conformity business of social media, then, let’s get our mind dirty one more time with digging and exploring.
So, only five questions to keep this simple.
Question 1: Why do you think ‘Youtube’ has a ‘Recommendation or Explore‘ section with endless videos-autoplay feature?
Question 2: Why do you think facebook’s video feature is also endless with one video after another and then another ?
Question 3: Why do you think instagram has ‘explore‘ feature with endless photographs, stories, and mostly stupid yet sophisticated and seemingly interesting videos after videos of strange people you don’t know and from strange accounts you barely care?
Question 4: Ask, are these social media really, connecting us or just making us more anti-social … and more stupid? Endlessly?
Question 5: How often do you check to see if how many people reacted to your social media posts? How. Many. Times?
Don’t you think it’s weird and fishy?
Rephrasing one of my mentor, Niall Breslin as he says that Our eye balls — meaning our attention, our focus,… our time in general scheme of things are like oils for companies of today. They want to control it, …matter of fact they want to own it!.”
And the science I was talking about,… is so beautifully put together in a short roughly 10 minutes video I’m about to share it with you.
My say: Download this into your brain as you listen every single word there. And take back the control of your life’s wheel.
My message: Stop. Fake. Reality.
P.S. My sincere gratitude and thanks to three of my mentors in the video: Cal Newport (Author: Deep Work), Jordan Peterson (Author: 12 Rules for life) and Simon Sinek (Author: Leaders Eat Last)
P.S. Hats off to ‘Absolute Motivation’ curator for the video.