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One of the hardest things to do is to separate your work and the effort that you put in from the results. An actor doesn’t control the movie around them. They don’t control what the other actors do. They don’t control the marketing budget. They don’t control the distribution. They could do the role of a lifetime, but the director or editor could mess it up in post-production. If your happiness with your job and your career is dependent on how the movie does at the box office or how the critics respond to your role, you have placed your happiness in the hands of other people, and that’s a recipe for profound disappointment. – Ryan Holiday, The Unmistakable Creative

As It Was (Ambient Cover) – Vancouver Sleep Clinic & Amelia Magdalena

I’m past 30 years of age and in all these many years, off of many things I’ve been grateful to learn; one of them is to understand (and on-time) the leverage of the right mindset.

Mindset is an “established set of attitudes, esp. regarded as typical of a particular group’s social or cultural values; the outlook, philosophy, or values of a person; (now also more generally) frame of mind, attitude, disposition.”[1] A mindset may also arise from a person’s world view or philosophy of life.”


Now, if you dig further, you’d want to learn some more about Fixed and Growth mindset by Carol Dweck where in her book “Mindset”, she writes, “success comes from having the right mindset rather than intelligence, talent or education“. Debatable? Yes. But I’m not here to talk you about all that. I am no expert, not even close.

I’m here to share how a simple shift of mindsets can give us a completely different perspective and chances are it might as well give us a different life in the long run.

For example:

Awwwwhhh…I have to go to work or I get to go to work.

I’m not hurt or I’m healing.

I’m not losing or I’m learning.

I’m not anxious or I’m thrilled.

I’m not rejected or I’m redirected.

You see it’s inevitable and It’s beyond our scope of control to stop negative things from happening to us and essentially to stop negative thoughts from swelling up our brain.

Plus, despite, … despite all that, fighting back negative mindset makes them even harder if not done the right way.

Which is why, my two cents here, “Have right stuff in to get the right stuff out.”


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I made it anyway

Our actions may be impeded . . . but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.

~ Marcus Aurelius

Cold Cold Night – Raghav Meattle

For the last two days I had been occupied in a small treasure hunt.

I was preparing the introductory slides for Sauravi, and as I was adding the pieces and connecting the dots, I had to navigate through tons and tons of old photographs.

Well, I tell you, deliberately digging the past has its perks.

I feel more grateful that things are better today than it was before.

I feel I had been through so much that I can cry and still feel the warmth of perpetual joy.

I feel all the uncertainties and all the terrible shits I’ve been through gave me a unique skill to camouflage my colors; gave me skills to bend my ways as situation unpacked.

Those photographs also had me thinking about that one time when I went through a jungle of monumental panic attacks and heart pacing anxiety.

But then I made it anyway.

We all will.


Hello World – Sauravi
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So much happened

Grateful ~ author

“My Mind” Ryan Harris 

I almost disappeared for a month from Musicpervs. Not that I have not admitted it before that I don’t promise anymore that I’d post a post every Thursday. Because only after coming to the US, my life completely switched gear from a known-comfortable mode to the strange-survival one. And, I had to juggle many priorities balls. I still do.

For instance, in the last one month or so; so so much have happened. So, so many things have occurred. Let’s scratch the surface here and there. Wrapping up on-campus courses. DE Midterm Exam. Job Interviews. Interview Preparations. Incomprehensible fatigue and mental vomits. Landing offers. Accepting one. Moving to San Francisco. Walking like crazy looking for apartment after apartment. Exploring this awesome city. Investing time and energy on Marketplace. Arranging and adding basic stuffs in the apartment and so so much more.

Most definitely, so much happened!

The most important thing for me personally, however —

is I enjoyed each moment of every moment that passed the time they were passing.

is I was nervous but nervous for the right mission.

is I was afraid but afraid of the right adventure.

Every freaking thing was worth it. Perhaps, someday I’ll write in length about this mixed-bag experience on this anew city.


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El dorado

There’s joys to be found in words.

There’s word to be found in a joy.

~ author
All In Blue – Logan and Isabel

Samyog and I have been doing too much of ‘El dorado’.

And Sauravi is annoyed for sure. While I can’t tell why I keep saying ‘El dorado’ this, ‘Eldorado’ that, I am sure Samyog doesn’t have answer for himself either.

For me, it’s just a word that brings joy for now. I don’t know its meaning. I’d rather care not to know. And, perhaps … perhaps I will stick with it for a while.

El doraro it is!


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I am Preparing

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Ber, Charlie Oriain – Meant To Be

I am hitting hundreds and thousands of things at the same time.

I am preparing.

I am lost, I keep losing track of times, I am constantly distracted trying to get undistracted.

I am preparing.

I am watching tutorials. I am writing emails. I am helping friends with their coding problems. I am taking notes of things i learned. I am talking to people who matter. I am hungry and I am eating cookies. I go back to the tutorial again. I take notes again. I receive one message from a friend, I go and reply. I go on a restroom break. I feel like I need a break.

I am preparing.

I am watching one tutorial and then I would not understand one thing in particular. I go around the internet and try to get a T-depth understanding (as they call it). But then I end up picking something else. I end up remembering something else I once needed to work on or should’ve already worked onto by now. I end up finishing nothing.

I am preparing.

I don’t have one priority. I have four.

I am preparing.

I am trying to make sense-of-it-all.

I am trying to unblur the blur.

I am trying to take babysteps to not get overwhelmed with everything happening around me. Long story short, I was used to particular lifestyle of grinding and grinding and grinding for the lectures, exams, assignments and projects and now there’s an open road out there and I’ve to use my gut instinct to figure out the right path on my own.

I am preparing.


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Matt Wills & Ellysse Mason – Perfect

It makes sense.

Don’t gift flowers.

Perhaps, a pot with a flower will do.


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I am here

Just Show Up ~ Anonymous

everytime we fall – noui

It’s been two weeks I’ve not written a word.

This might come as an excuse but I honestly was exhausted because of the exams and other in-between errands here and there.

I don’t know why my right leg is paining so much. Perhaps, like solution said it might be an aftermath of the swimming that we did on the weekend. I don’t know.

Well, I’m well aware of the philosophy of ‘Showing up’.

So here I am!

I am here.



Beaten up.







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What do you do when you get married? You take someone who’s just as useless and horrible as you are, and then you shackle yourself to them.

Jordan B. Peterson
Emilioats – Youth

“Marriage is not — a contract. Marriage is not — abiding by my some protocols or laws or rules. Fulfilling relationship or marriage is at least not about — saying, If you have this, this, this quality, or If you do this, that, this stuff, or even faintly borrowing the belief that your partner has to be exactly like that ‘kind of person’ (a metaphorical template in your head) or that your partner can’t be flawed.. That’s not marriage and that barely looks like a joyful relationship. It’s a disaster.

More so often, we tend to believe that successful marriages are ones where we are comfortable all the times. No! Matter of fact, borrowing it from Jordan B. Peterson, he says,

“…successful relationships are all about creating a space where the boundaries are clearly defined, and each partner can trust the other to be completely open about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.”

Marriage, is trust.

Marriage is a commitment to not lie, no matter how acidic it is.

Marriage is not hiding a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g in the fog.

Marriage is genuine respect.

Marriage is building each other.

Marriage is supporting one another.

Marriage is acknowledging the dispute and trying best to resolve them with grace and openness.

Marriage is equal partnership. 100% his, and 100% yours! [Yes, she shared me this link,, and it makes total sense.]

Marriage is absolute transparency.

Marriage is a reliable, comfortable couch.

Marriage is freedom! Freedom to seek freedom. Freedom to ask for freedom. Freedom to be free. Freedom to be ‘you’ without judgement, without-a-question!

Marriage is so many things, but there are thing that sits at the core (for me personally),

— it’s respectful communication

— it’s friendship

— it’s ‘having a good senses of humor’.

— it’s a pure vow to remain a team!


p.s. Bonus song here.

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Five Years

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is your plan five years from now?

This is not necessarily is a standard Job interview question. After reading a short article from James Clear (author of Atomic Habits), I realized that this one question is in fact one of the most crucial questions one ought to ask themselves.

I’m not BS-ing, this one question must be

our destination — that will keep our ass on where it needs to be,

our lighthouse to follow — while at the same time serving us as a beacon for our own navigational aid to the road of the unforeseen future.

our fear — that will keep us discipline,

our friend — that will never betray us from becoming our best selves regardless of whether we attained what we set out to achieve.

Which is why, ask, Where do you see yourself five years from today?

James Clears writes,

“Most big, deeply satisfying accomplishments in life take at least five years to achieve. This can include building a business, cultivating a loving relationship, writing a book, getting in the best shape of your life, raising a family, and more. 

Five years is a long time. It is much slower than most of us would like. If you accept the reality of slow progress, you have every reason to take action today. If you resist the reality of slow progress, five years from now you’ll simply be five years older and still looking for a shortcut”


p.s. The quote in the beginning of the post was sent to me by Professor René Erickson. Will forever be grateful for her!

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