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Category: Musicpervs Week

The Chicken Cage Syndrome

Every night before going to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness did I overcome today? What virtue did I acquire? ~ Seneca

Shawn Mendes – Youth ft. Khalid

I didn’t know until yesterday early morning (which was about 3AM), that there was this thing called ‘The Chicken Cage Syndrome’.

Tom Bilyeu’s podcast (Impact Theory) guest Martin Lindstrom (best selling author of Ministry of Common Sense) went to explain this psychological disease programmed in all of us.

He unpacks: (I just hope I don’t butcher his story line)

A chicken was put inside a beautiful cage for a period of roughly six months. Then, one fine day, an owner decided to bring the cage (with the chicken still inside; who’s been there for all its life) — out into this beautiful green grass court, on a clear blue sky. Sun shinning out bright. Birds singing and the freedom awaiting!

The cage was then set open. And now, what happened next was an important discovery.

So yes, as anticipated, she gets out of the cage. Slowly and carefully measuring her steps — centimeters away from the cage whenever she takes one.

Confused. Cocked!

Anxious. Alarmed!

Frozen. Frightened!

And later within just about 30 seconds, she rushes back into that same beautiful cage!

This is Chicken Cage Syndrome.


We all love our cages. We all have one. Don’t we?

Our safety net.

Our comfortable bubble.

Our dear attachment.

However, Change must be expected.

Change must be accepted.

That, Change is inevitable.

That, Change is your friend.

And to sum it all up: Just make it easy for yourself by acknowledge the fact that Change, my friend is for the best!

Finally, as I self-reflect and self-associate myself on that genuinely intellectual podcast interview by Mr. Bilyeu (can’t thank him enough):

That, in my own personal life, I’ve been a victim of this one particular psychic challenge for so many fucking times.

Perhaps so have you.

So. Have. You!

But, a big BUT — from this point forward.

And, of course, take it as a food for your tasty brain, words from the wise.

Please Don’t Get caught up in the Chicken Cage yourself.

Have appetite for surprises. Matter of fact, produce ‘surprises’ once-in-a-while.

And, most certainly, don’t worship confinements. Comfort. Convenience. Ever!

p.s. To answer Seneca’s initial quote above.

Yesterday night, I concluded that Today, I overcame my weakness of being easily intimidated.

I acquired the virtues of truly listening, of keeping the cool-headedness despite chaos, of not giving too many fucks for things that doesn’t matter at all.


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Best Friend

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get —

only with what you are expecting to give —

which is everything.”

~ Katharine Hepburn

From being my 3 am friend to being the best friend.

I have never felt such a passionate connection with anyone like you.

Even when we hold hands, even when we kiss — it’s like fireworks 24 x 7 x 365.

I promise to love you, in sickness and in health, and to cherish till death do us apart.

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About Cheating

You should leave another’s wrong where it lies. ~ Marcus Aurelius

Varsha Thapa – Maaya

A virtuous person; male or female will never cheat.

Let’s start from there.

And to those who find ‘cheating’ — appealing, okay.

F*ck you!

And to those who’ve cheated.

F<ck you!

And to those who’ve been cheated.

Save your tears. Gather your shit together. Straighten up your shoulders and as the video suggests — love yourself even more!

Life of a cheater:

More cheating. More Deceit. More Infidelity episodes. More Theft — theft of truth precisely.

More Fabrications. More Lies. More Excuses.

Naked Hollowness. Desperate emptiness. Palpable Impatience. Unreasonable Irritability — these Opportunist crack-heads.

To put it simply, ‘Unfaithfulness‘ is what makes their heart beat and the sinful blood flow.

On contrary and from how I’d love to imagine, life of the ones being cheated at must be no less than:

Wise. Mindful. Calm. Focused. Resilient. Responsible. Empathetic. Fierce. Forgiving. Kind. More Loving. More Understanding.

More alive!

You see, cheating is so easy. Easy as giving into junks. Sweets. Porns.

Commitment and true, meaningful love is the real shit.


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Jump right in, or wade in slowly.

Advantage to one, it’s over quickly.

Advantage to the other, it isn’t.

~ Maira Kalman
Groove Delight – Lord Vader

2020 was just a number.

So is 2021.

All you have is that ‘one day‘;

This moment;


And, Never. Forget. That!

Happy New Year Shit is merely to say — straighten up your shoulders, get your acts together again! And do something gravely useful with your time.


P.S. Happy New Year from Us
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I am a constant temporary

“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.”

— Marcus Aurelius. Meditations 2.11

Tanmaya Bhatnagar – Kya Tum Naraaz Ho?

In all sincerity, I constantly think about my immortality reality followed by few deep filling breathes.

And, whenever this contemplation occurs — any shred of stress, anchors, and those crisp, piercing problems sublimates.

Eventually, slowly, gracefully evaporates!

Steve best put it

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

One hard look on the mirror:

These Aging eyes.

These Slipping time.

These Ephemeral moments.

These recipes of Intentional living in front of me.

I’m fretting.

I am a constant temporary


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8 hours

“… sleep is profoundly intertwined with virtually every aspect of brain health. Lack of sleep over time can lead to an irreversible loss of brain cells—yet another debunking of the myth that sleep debt can be made up.” 
― Arianna Huffington, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time

Quiet Hymn

I’ve been sleep deprived my whole life.

But as the science literature suggest ‘Sleep’ –is a real shit.

And so, I am committed to fix it.

That is to say that I’m giving my every best to get a full 8 hours of cumulative rest time.

Good news is :- for the last three days I average at around — at least 7 hours of sleep. On Sunday however, due to lack of sleep followed by a high intensity workout early in the morning, I almost blacked out.

Whence, rebooting life.

Sleep enough. Good night.


Fitbit data
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“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger. Roots entrench themselves and branches grow. The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. And the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time.”  ~ James Clear (Atomic Habits)

Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber – Monster

Reminders to myself.

Keep your Eyes wide open but Sleep enough.

Mouth mostly shut but Mind necessarily free.

Head beautifully cool but Heart kindly warm.

Ears intentionally curious but Anger intimately in check.

Seek Wisdom but Avoid Certainty.

‘Self’ — responsible, lethal, present! And, Character — authentic, resilient, humble.

Take Nothing for granted! And, Give Your All for your all.

And lastly,


Grow, and

Keep on Growing.

Remember — ‘One day at a time‘ is the key.


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She’s a Keeper

Joy comes to us from those whom we love even when they are absent …; when present, seeing them and associating intimately with them yields real pleasure … 


Lewis Capaldi – Someone You Loved

She’s a keeper.


For Her kindness — that cosmic richness of her heart (from me to pets to the whole humanity).

For Her authenticity — that pure, approximately 1300 grams, one-in-the-world, one-of-a-kind beautiful brain.

For Her meticulous attention-to-detail — that passionately fuck-serious, caring soul.

For Her simplicity — that class and chewable expectations.

For Her work ethic and future aspirations — that mountain-top ambition.

For Her honesty and strength-of-character — that bold poise and weight in her words.

For Her sense of humor — Gawdd! That Telegram GIFs.

For Her beauty — specially that makeuplessness which I’ll forever adore.

For Her vibe — that palpable presence; the energy she radiates around you.

For Her care — that deep, rare, genuine, warm and from-the-heart I’m here for you, hardcore friendship.

For Her unpolished vulnerabilities she openly shares.

For Her adorable, sometimes worrying hypocrisies too.

And lastly, Her smile — myaan. Fuck!

Passa, I loves you forever of ever myannn!

And, most importantly, thanks for bass-ing, embracing and gracing me with your system!

p.s. These adjectives will never confine the noun she is.


She’s a keeper.


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I cry

I tried to hold it in, but tears tear up anyway. I let it be.


Nicholas Yee – Time (Inception)

It’s better I confess and move on.

I cry almost, … almost every other night despite this perfect ‘all is well’ cosmetic I put on.

Solitude. Loneliness. I swing in-between. Killingly.

‘Could haves’ clutters up my headspace. Blindfolds me. Squeezes me on my neck and hammers nail right through my literal heart.

Tears tear up.

And, I let it sway me.

And, I wonder after a while,… matter of fact, I wonder after every whiles that perhaps this is called ‘cleansing memories‘ of my grandmother’s final days.


Understanding life.

Contemplating death.

Embracing fragility.

Steadily healing.


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