Roughly 90+% of things we do are mundane. Make most out of that 10% of the real, non-trivial deals.
Aerosmith – Dream On
Last Saturday was my 2nd Zumba session.
Never in my life I have imagined myself attending these classes and enjoy the embarrassment of dancing cluelessly with handful of zumba disciples.
Today I passed my California’s Drivers’ License Knowledge Test.
Took 305 github DMV quizes. Couple of flashcards here and there. It took me 6-8 hours of actual grinding but that within a span of 3-4 months. Basically, I was procrastinating.
Nonetheless, I had to show up for the test and for a change of experience, unlike in IOWA, I took an online Knowledge test this time. It was nerve wrecking for sure and 38 out of 46 questions need good answers.
There’s always something that’s going for each one of us.
So is the life of Lynn.
I met her on a flight from Chicago to San Francisco on March 02, 2023. I was heading home after having visited my sister for a week.
Listening to Lynn’s story; sharing some of mine; laughing on surprisingly few overlaps between her life and mine throughout that 5 hours plus long flight is something I will cherish for the rest of my natural life.
She was a charm.
A light, free soul.
A treat to be with, … befriend with.
I can’t imagine walking on her shoe!
She’s been through so much in her life and when she quoted, “Life’s too short to not enjoy life.” it made all sense where she was coming from. The scent of unadulterated gratification, the vibe of sheer optimism, the grit of humble warrior; She owned that maxim.
I wish her speedy recovery, tons and tons many happy memories with her near and dear ones.
I’d like her to know that in those few hours I had spent with her — she has painted my life with a permanent brushstroke of always being grateful for this one life I have.
Plus, I will forever envy her spellbinding sense of humor that made the dull day all the more lit and merrier. I love her!
Can’t stress enough her simple message, “Enjoy life!”
I came to a party called ‘Life’ — alone. I’ve made peace with the thought that I would leave from here — a.l.o.n.e.
Dear Haters, don’t fool yourself into believing that I will be a leftover of this party. Do not presuppose I’ll be alone on my own
only because you have seen me eat at restaurants — alone;
only because you have eyeballed as I cried over my griefs, my sorrows — alone;
only because you’ve heard me celebrate my tidbits of happiness — alone.
My adaptation with lonesomeness. Don’t mistake it for my weakness.
Matter of fact, to be able to befriend lonesomeness and continue the stride forward is my lethal weapon that I’ve wielded over time and tides; It is why I’ve thick skin on me — mostly from the scars you people left with your disgusting, unforgiving, sinful claws.
Matter of fact, I survived from the worst of situations and fought a lone-wolf battle in the skulk of foxes.
All thanks to you, I am able to take a stand for myself.
Thanks to you for the deliberate isolation you perpetrated.
Thanks to you for a peaceful solitude you’ve bestowed me with.
We are never prepared for everything that would happen to us and everything that would not.
~ Musicpervs
David Kushner – Daylight
The spot I’m in, right very now is not new to me. I’ve lived on edges before. I’ve been in uncomfortable situations before. Well, it won’t be wrong to say that this time I feel I have got thick skin to be afraid of outcomes that are out of my hands; to have fear out of expectancies.
But, It is also not that I wouldn’t love to feast on plenty of wholesome notes that’d help me keep my mind straight, focused, resilient, unafraid, undeterred. I’ve consolidated some of them for you as well. Have a wonderful day
What they did to you was not your fault.
You make the world a better place.
Keep shining bright, for the world needs your light.
I hope you know how loved you are.
There are no mistakes, only lessons…
Don’t forget why you started.
Happiness isn’t out there, it lies within you ..
Life is too short to spend it battling with yourself…
Whatever you’re going through right now, trust me, it will get better.
You didn’t change.., you evolved.
You are a perfect being 🙂
Just in case anyone hasn’t told you today. YOU MATTER 🙂
You still haven’t met all the people who are going to love you.
Someone out there feels better because you exist 🙂
Congratulations for all the silent Battles you’ve overcome 🙂
You still have plenty of time to figure things out …
Trust your Intuition …
The Universe made you uncomfortable so that you could grow ..
Go for it. Rejection you will forget, but a missed opportunity, you may regret forever …
Keep on shining your light, the world needs it 🙂
You already have everything you need …
Love the process, Without knowing the outcome 🙂
What if it worked out better than you ever expected?
Regardless of what’s happening, the world is beautiful … just like you are!
“The questions you ask yourself will largely determine the answers you get.
Why am I not successful?” You’ll get answers that berate you.
How can I succeed here?” You’ll get answers that push you.
Be deliberate in the questions you ask yourself.”
Julie Gurner
Let Her Go x Husn (Gravero Mashup) | Anuv Jain
Matter of fact, looking at all the people I have seen succeed in their life; And carefully weighing on things that work/ed for them — I truly believe the sincerity, seriousness and substances of questions make up a common denominator among them.
Questions we ask today, will shape things we do this moment.
Questions become our path. Questions lead us to the path.
“No one good is ever truly good, and no one bad is ever truly bad“.
Novo Amor – From Gold
It has been a while.
Few housekeeping.
It’s been over a month I’ve been in Seattle to be alongside with my best friend while he has been going through a kidney transplant surgery.
It was rough.
Things however, are getting better. Nonetheless, everyday is different.
Patience is a virtue we ought to worship.
But, this is not an excuse for me for not being able to keep up with my weekly schedule of Musicpervs.
I needed a break!
Today, I wanted to talk about whether it’s good to have stress. Anxiety.
Fears and the likes.
My father use to say, “Don’t stress out about things.”
I’d rather contest, “We’d have to have as much appetite to stomach as many life’s challenges as we can.”
For, Good stress keeps us in our toes.
Healthy anxiety is good for growth.
Fear not necessarily is an Agent Smith.
Now, having said that, it is also imperative that stress, anxiety, fears and the likes also have to be thoughtfully, mindfully, and carefully filtered among the two evident silos..
One helpful. The other harmful. One has prospect. The other punishes.
There is no good or bad without us, there is only perception. There is the event itself and the story we tell ourselves about what it means.
Ryan Holiday
Cigarettes – David Kushner
We all love stories. Don’t we?
In the like pretext, rarely have I met a person who doesn’t like movies.
For, movies move many stories and we can’t help but be captivated by their awe.
Personally, I believe stories have immense power.
We all ought to ‘authentically’ put one. Take it as one of our moral obligation.
Not only the highlight reality over social media. Not only the sugar. Not only the cream.
But both good and bad.
I was talking to my girlfriend about it as she’d ask why do you always have this strong urge to tickle the terrible days of the past; emphasize on the contrast you have with the present?
I said, i only tell stories. It’s upto the readers how they’d want to look at it.
I don’t have grip over their narrative and rightly so.
Philosophy gives a way to life. Don’t let it come in a way of trying to live a gleeful life. Balance.
~ Musicpervs
Alex Yurkiv, Thelma Costolo – Take Me to the River (I Will Swim)
Couple housekeeping: Paid off my student debt. New plans on the way. Dinner date after a while.
Over dinner date this evening, I and my girlfriend talked about trodding the path of lifeline with the end in mind.
I went in to explain her that either of us is going to outlive the other — only if we were not to get into an unfortunate, unimaginable accident together. Touchwood.
I also confronted her that secretly, I do enjoy her getting pissed off at me, for at least she has me who she can trust to vent off at, to get angry at and know things will fall back to normal when things have cooled off.
I told her we ought to learn to not take the other for granted and cherish our partnership; our moments of togetherness as well as the times we’d separate with kindness, care and utter delicacy.
I told her that I want to see and experience world, different culture, different stories. She shared all she wants in life is not to be bothered by anybody and live rest of her lives without pressure.
I also went on to tell her, that fundamentally all we’d ever crave for is one clean, full, deep breathe of fresh air, a food on the table, and few we love around us. I told her I don’t really see the point of being angry, being dissatisfied, even chasing things. Exception: Trying to be better than yesterday is a must.
In the due course, we clinked on our choices of red wine. Ate the spanish dishes we had never tried before. Bitched and buried one or two on our colorful, intense conversation. Most definitely savored the San Franciscan, Spanish culinary experience at ‘Coqueta SF’ to the fullest. Rode the Bay Wheel together, laughed a lot, lived a little more.