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Category: Love


Sometimes I wonder, why can’t dream be the purpose, … a journey?

500 miles – Joan Baez

It would be a dream come true.

An ordinary random day I get to say,” We have been happily married for more than 45 years…”

That’s the dream!


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Choose love

Choose love, everyday, every-time!

EKDEV LIMBU – Jhim Jhimaune Aankha 

Care to read and you will relate.

Care not, you will relate.

… about choosing love over the alternative!

The secret to lasting love lies in gratitude.
When you have someone special, resist the urge to look elsewhere.
The grass isn’t greener—it’s simply a different shade of the same.

Cherish what you have, for love isn’t about flawless perfection.
It’s about choosing each other, through the chaos,
through the challenges, time and time again.

In a world where quitting comes so easily,
a single argument or a rough day often leads to goodbye.
But the most beautiful love stories are born from resilience.

They are written by those who stay when it’s tough,
who confront their doubts,
and who remind themselves daily how fortunate they are to share their lives.

Love isn’t built on ease; it flourishes through commitment.
Be the story that endures—not because it was effortless,
but because you held on to the magic that made it worth it.

Choose love, always.


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Happy Solution Day

Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.

Seneca, Letters to Lucilius
Prateek Kuhad – I’m Someone New

Back in 2019, I saved her phone number under the name “Solution” from the very first time I got it.

Beside anonymity’s sake I chose ‘Solution’ in particular, because she literally use to have solution for everything.

She is reliable!

From the very first weeks of knowing her, I could tell that astuteness is a fundamental part of her nature.

From how I’ve see her, Problem Solving has most-definitely been her forte.

For this same reason, the name ‘Solution’ has stayed on my phone for 5 years now.

Her texts,.. the calls still rings with ‘Solution’.

It won’t change.

Reminds me of the rich story we share together.

Reminds me of a trustworthy partner.

Reminds me of our humble beginning.

Reminds me of who I’m warmly married to (figuratively).

Her flaws. Her virtues.

Her fury. Her tranquility.

Happy Solution Day!


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December 5

Love is the bridge between you and everything.

~ Rumi
JVKE – her

She’s my Anandamide.

She has always been the exception.

Funny. Flawed.

Class Feminine. Ferocious.

Humble. Reliable.

Curious. Caring.

Giving and Genuine.

Independent. Astute — she is a dancing tree around the fall.

A whistle in the wind.

Oasis of the desert.

Tides in the ocean.

A warm sun of the winter.

And, most definitely a woman with substance-character.

While at times she is as delicate as Cherry Blossom, she’s also an apt embodiment of Lotus that she has engraved on her Calcaneus — rightly so!

While very much fondly I have watched her laugh hysterically. I’ve also seen her sob her heart out.

While very much playfully I annoy her in full cylinder,

While at times I have also hurt her to shreds,

I love her… I really, really love her.

Happy December 5, Solution!


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I miss you

Missing is bittersweet. You are painfully, gratuitously dancing with memories.

chance with you – mehro

I miss you, when we really mean it — is so .. so crazy powerful.

I miss you if we really feel it at the core of our being — is insanely profound.

I miss you — is a pure heartbreak.

I miss you for real — is an earned incentive. Alive or otherwise.

I miss her.


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Not her. No me.

At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough
for the wrong person.
At your worst, you’ll still be worth it
to the right person.

~ Karen Salmansohn

Allman Brown & Liz Lawrence – Sons and Daughters

On September 5, 2024, I had a second round interview with Bank of America team at 9AM PDT. I didn’t sleep well the night before and I very well knew I could easily mess up the interview if I didn’t get my shit together.

So, as usual to calm down my nerve and deploy tunnel focus on-demand. I started listening to the ‘Bathroom Dance’ track from the Joker movie .

It has become sort of a ritual for me to do these weird things. For cherry on top I took this mediocre photograph from the terrace of the apartment as I went there to get some sunlight before the interview started.

Later that day in the evening, Tessa called me and told me that Bank of America team have offered me a position.

This was … this really was indeed a humongous relief Post June 26, 2024. That day was the last day I had a job to wake up to.

Now whatever happened between June 26 and September 5, 2024, every day was painful.

Everyday was a lesson.

Objectively speaking albeit in generic sense, I did lose the ‘me’ at some-point during that timeline.

And, I was afraid I will never find that mojo I thought I had.

It would be ridiculous of me to not share the fact that my girlfriend is why I found the ‘me’. She is the reason why I was still able to keep up with that lost ‘me’ hanging by a mere thread if not for her abundant love.

Aptly, she is the reason why I am how I am,

Who I am,

How I am.

Where I am,

What I am.

Kind of apt to say, “Not her. No me’


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Love non-negotiably needs love

Etham – Opposite Of Loving Me 

Growing up, I have seen firsthand how difficult relationship is; how waves hit your love-boat bad… really, awfully bad!

Growing up, I have seen firsthand things don’t remain hopeless, choking, and painful when it comes to self-conducting yourself as partners. Because, given — work has been put-forth from both-sides ‘love’ is the most blissful powerhouse. However still not immune to oncogenes in it’s lifeline. My friend, Love is fragile. It needs awareness. It needs your unadulterated attention and care.

Growing up, I have learned firsthand what’s the right and the wrong template of a sustainable relationship. It’s for sure never a forever uphill, and full-of-life, and the conflict-free heaven. In all sincerity, I’m still learning many facets of love as I embark on my life’s journey.

Growing up, I have heard from my grandmother, love non-negotiably needs love to suspire.

Love is interesting, tingling, exciting, marveling, and beautiful.

Love also brings you unfathomable pain, tears, grief and sadness!

I’ve been loved.

I’ve lost love.


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