Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.
Seneca, Letters to Lucilius
Back in 2019, I saved her phone number under the name “Solution” from the very first time I got it.
Beside anonymity’s sake I chose ‘Solution’ in particular, because she literally use to have solution for everything.
She is reliable!
From the very first weeks of knowing her, I could tell that astuteness is a fundamental part of her nature.
From how I’ve see her, Problem Solving has most-definitely been her forte.
For this same reason, the name ‘Solution’ has stayed on my phone for 5 years now.
Her texts,.. the calls still rings with ‘Solution’.
It won’t change.
Reminds me of the rich story we share together.
Reminds me of a trustworthy partner.
Reminds me of our humble beginning.
Reminds me of who I’m warmly married to (figuratively).
Her flaws. Her virtues.
Her fury. Her tranquility.
Happy Solution Day!