This is not a post about ‘downvote’
But, just last Thursday, I received my first downvote at Musicpervs youtube channel.
Not that I put any thought on conformity, acceptance, agreeableness, and social media thermometers when it comes to my creative self-indulgence on the pursuit of learning more .
Or, say more precisely, not that I receive any attention on the platform to feel gravely concerned about, but this event had occurred right after few minutes of publishing the video. My guess. One of my subscriber is not happy!
That loud, fat, echoing, demanding, authentic, pure, voiceless, screaming or perhaps wrongly oscared ‘downvote’.
But, again, this is not a post about ‘downvote’ at all.
This is about my reflective, internal inquiries and examination.
Have I hurt feelings of other people?
Sure, yes!
Have I committed mistakes in my life?
Most certainly. No doubt about it!
But, have I done wrongs to anybody, deliberately, intentionally?
Have I ever cheated on anybody?
Have I ever exploited or taken advantage of anybody?
Have I ever betrayed?
Have I punished, penalized, or sold lies to anybody?
If yes. Then perhaps, I should be the one answering it with full accountability and truths — not anybody else; And specially, not their feelings about events, circumstances and things. Because, trust me if feelings were the ultimate answer we’d never have had any wars or crimes or 9/11s in the first place.
Lastly, I’ve always said one thing and one thing only in my defense amid flood of baseless blames and criticisms.
I’m not a bad person.
p.s. “If You Haven’t Done Anything Wrong, Do Not Apologise.” ~ Dr. Jordan Peterson