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Leon Bridges – River (

The main question of life is what is our leisure time filled with.


Caution: I am fully here. I’m aware. I’m not complaining!

Snoopy. one day we will die, but on all the other days we will not.
Photo by: Heiko W. Goßen

Without real shits, life’s frail.

And in the face of these shit storm that I’ve been navigating through, I’m trying to find my snoopy here!

I’m not embarrased. I confront, I’m still trying to figure out what’s my real definition of the calm?

March 06 2020. Failed un-fucking attempt!

Despite a much awaited office getaway trip.

Despite getting rid off of the trap obsession, eventually.


I feel more restless, out-of-place; breathless, overwhelmed than i remember. Fuck!

Fuck that I’m painfully fucked.

Trying to find my snoopy.

Somebody with pump and the perspective.

I’m still trying to figure out what’s my definition of rest?
