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Why I unplugged?

Griffin Oskar – Bulletproof

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.”

~  Karen Lamb

No instagram. No whatsapp. Facebook had been long trashed out of the window for as many as half a decade years. No viber.

Yes, Presently. Yes, SoundHeal. Yes, long breathes. Yes meditation. Yes, GYM. Yes zumba. Yes, Spotify Premium (thanks to didi). Twitter has always been a handy pal to keep (however, i deliberately self-indulge with her, sparingly, carefully). Yes, iBooks. Yes, real books. Yes, more code katas’. Yes, real shits!

“Take some time off. Unfuck. Live a little for yourself!”

~ Goonja Shrestha

Why I unplugged?

Simple. We live in a time where we’ve set ourselves to so many priorities, each competing for our priceless time.

No wonder, we’re all ridiculously busy, aren’t we?

But, I’m rather curious how much of our Business proxy is at our favor?

How much?

Again, no wonder, we don’t have time for ourselves too. Just look at your daily rat-race infested routine. Commitments and Responsibilities. And yeah, Phones. Awful Fuck!

Sure enough, we’re mostly sleep walking, taking everything on and along or way for fucking granted!

Or at least, such had been my reality for such a long time.


I was never a phone person. And, I still keep her at a fine distance. But after so many messages, and unattended calls. After such many beautiful people expectantly waiting for my text/ call back. I just wanted to breathe, briefly! All for myself!

That’s mostly why!

Goonja di. Puku. Manish. Didi. Mummy. Daddy. Dai (twin brother). SV — one way or the other would advise :- Live a little for yourself. Openly. Selfishly. Selflessly.





Reclaiming what’s mine; my freedom, my s.e.l.f, thus, on a digital sabbatical mode indefinitely.

Hopefully I’ll be back soon!