Deathcab – Ditty
Out of pure luck I stumbled across Contemplify podcast two years ago. It is without a doubt that author/ podcast host Paul Swanson had spell-bindingly curated his recordings slash literature despite, now, overwhelmingly cluttered information pollution we are sadly exposed to these days.
Since then, I have been contemplating bad lucks, terrible fucks, sadness, and death among other worst possible stages of life, and eventually the mountains of gratitude would delicately, intimately wash them all off.
Apparently my body temperature measures 101.4 F and today has been a really difficult, long, draining, exhausting, feverish day.
Believe it or not, this is the good if not the best time to acknowledge who’d matter to you in your life and who’s just a one-big-fuck facade.
Because, It is at your difficult times like these — heroes show up. It is at your hard perils — people with golden hearts centrifuge. The right ones who’d scold, alarm, or warn you because you are absolutely acting less responsible or dauntingly foolish, the ones who’d honestly go extra miles because they fucking care enough, the ones who’d follow up with you, the ones who comes up with ideas (no matter how weird they are) in hopes that it will ease your suffering a bit, the only ones who’d shed true tears when you die, the ones who’d care to remember you even after that!
p.s. Here, a beautiful poetry on Sadness by Ditty is waiting for you. Also, to find a raw version of the song, put that wonderful cursor/ finger here.
p.p.s. “Contemplify is best served with a pint in hand. Please listen responsibly.”, says Paul.