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Zumba & Driver’s License

Roughly 90+% of things we do are mundane. Make most out of that 10% of the real, non-trivial deals.

Aerosmith – Dream On

Last Saturday was my 2nd Zumba session.

Never in my life I have imagined myself attending these classes and enjoy the embarrassment of dancing cluelessly with handful of zumba disciples.

Today I passed my California’s Drivers’ License Knowledge Test.

Took 305 github DMV quizes. Couple of flashcards here and there. It took me 6-8 hours of actual grinding but that within a span of 3-4 months. Basically, I was procrastinating.

Nonetheless, I had to show up for the test and for a change of experience, unlike in IOWA, I took an online Knowledge test this time. It was nerve wrecking for sure and 38 out of 46 questions need good answers.

It’s all behind me now.

But it was exciting.

Life’s exciting.
