It isn’t the things themselves that disturb people, but the judgements that they form about them. ~ Epictetus
“I need to develop a much-needed, a must-have skill to digest setbacks and failures.”, I clearly remember the evening when I was having this conversation with Babu.
There will come a time when despite all the hard-work, the sleepless nights, the restless days, Despite giving everything I have — I will still fall short, I will still fail.
Very rarely, I’ve had these kind of scant, hard-to-chew, hard-to-swallow kinds of moments in my life. But then, as I often tell; memory’s a weird thing, that you eventually forget the taste, the smell and the feel of those (beautiful in their own unique way) memories. And, because of this one simple reason,
you forget that, ‘acceptance is your antidote‘,
you forget that, ‘obstacle is the way‘ (from Ryan Holiday),
you forget that, ‘it’s one single day against the rest of the other days you would live’,
you forget that,’ instead of regret and resentment, self-reflection, course correction is a noble virtue to practice’,
you forget that, ‘there’re things that you’ve absolutely control over and there’re things that you don’t‘,
you forget that, ‘all you have is this single day, and the powerful choice to choose to decide how you want to spend it‘,
you forget that, ‘you can use some magic of deliberate self-love and self-care‘,
you forget that, ‘future has nothing to do with your past but everything to do with your present‘,
you forget that, ‘your decision at this ugly moment really has weight; that your resolve to harness the power of this unimaginable and utterly uncomfortable, sadness —matters!’,
A note to self — Comeback to this post every once in a while.