Billie Eilish – lovely (with Khalid)
Food for Brain.
Oxford dictionary defines assiduity as,“Constant or close attention to what one is doing.”
Not very long ago, I learned of a wise American Investor by a name Charlie Munger from a lovely co-worker.
Charlie (a vice president of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.) once quoted ‘Assiduity’ which from my understanding he meant sitting on your arse, and think, and put on mountain of work around your time, and invest hours after hours of blood, sweat and tears into things you deeply care about.
Precisely, Charlie in his commencement speech at USC Law School in 2007 said,
“Another thing you have to do, of course, is to have a lot of assiduity. I like that word because it means: sit down on your ass until you do it,…”
Correspondingly, as I now navigate around my own body of experiences, it is fine to speak that I’ve written many rubbish forms of literature (or broadly speaking toiled over horse shit of fluid, volatile artifacts) in my life. However, in the same continuam, so have I also penned plenty that I am glad they did crystalize, and substantiate — that they did join forces or sneak peaked into this gigantic world of beautiful knowledge and infinite wisdom.
Well, regardless of what smell or scent they carried and left, or no matter how deep or shallow the imprint they imprinted; I wrote what came to me. When-in, both nature and nurture became my food and my feet.
I worked shamelessly, recklessly, lovingly, unpreparedly. Gracefully.
p.s. for a more simpler/ clearer perspective, assiduity can also be used alternatively with a pop-word the art of showing up.
And, finally, finally to wrap this whole thing,
I want to end with a quote from one of my favorite writer, Steven Pressfield: where he said,
“Put your ass where your heart wants to be.”