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She’s Always a Woman –Billy Joel

I have never seen her in my life.

I don’t even know her first name.

But from what mom told me about her, and her family, and their life struggles then and thus far;

I understood one thing.

Words couldn’t suffice to put that girl’s plights,

her fructifying rebellion, doubts, confusions,

her rage, disgusts, frustrations,

that mocking loneliness,

her unspoken scars, blooming sadness, deaf desperation,

breathing yet diffcult-to-breathe days and nights of hopelessness,

howling pain, baggage of regrets — of being born the way she was born, the way she was raised, the way she was living,

weaknesses, helplessness,

the blackish feelings of being crippled by fate,

the feel of being damaged, cheated,


She took her own life that Monday morning.

I only wish i was her friend.

I only wish i could save her from herself.



We are not our feelings. We are not our moods. We are not even our thoughts. ~ Stephen R. Covey


 - this is to her - 

you are brave my friend, the star for the stars.