Samjhawan/Mitwa/Maahi Ve – Bryden-Parth feat. The Choral Riff
the discomfort in your gut,
an ecliptic hostility,
a screaming impatience,
choking insecurity,
an itching, annoying fragrance of fear for the unknown, and for the unfamiliar — is not your fault.
Intrinsically threatened by the inevitable permutations of good or worsts, confused by virtue of finding yourself trapped in these many unpredictable, anew crossroads; these many possibilities of the matter-at-hand in conjunction with ‘time’, we are ever prone to culminate, cultivate false beliefs, lies, untruths. Ever.
Many-a-times our natural reactions towards anything different, people or circumstances, ought to be naturally questionable. It has to be unsubstantiated and uncooked.
Therefore. Think.