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You Are Infinite

Soul Phazed – Jessica Hart

Don’t be ridiculous and box yourself up not beyond some battered, screwed up banality such as

“… this is who I am, this is how I am, this is what you get from me. THIS IS ME!

Just. Think.

Tagging yourself. Confining your identity is what but madness, worst, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You are not a rainbow. You are not a gravity. Not even anything the world had a clue about even after you were born.

You were a surprise to this universe just like everybody else. Weren’t you?

So. Stay Surprised.

Be a surprise.

Predictability is boring, dead as the rock without any means for joy. A song without sound.

So. Change. Experiment while you can.

Keep changing. Keep challenging the status quo.


Because you are infinite.

You are the infinity