Home – Phillip Phillips
Even the stars have the darkest edges and the full moon — full pitch dark on the rare side, what are we human.
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We are all capable of making the ugliest mistakes of our lives and still think, … think, we are on the right side of the spectrum. Psychologists call it a reality distortion. I have been there.
We are all capable of causing an irreparable, massive destruction on someone else’s lives and still think, we did all right, all rosy,… did the ordinary. I have been there and I am so not proud of it.
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Her: ……
Me (with heavy mind & open heart): Sure, I took all the punches. But I deserved it.
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Grandma says, “We all have the Ying and the yang. None are clean. Which means the only way we can go through life is by knowing our demons right up front. Yes, make peace with that face.
Just Know it! Embrace and Let go.
Confess. Confront. Confer. Bend knees for your mistakes and you would have come clean. On the flip side, guilt is for cowards,… for weak hearts, for ignorants.
Just be humble. And when you’ve known that you’ve made the maddest, the dumbest mistake(s); be brave and own it. And most importantly, forgive yourself!”
As Galileo so exquisitely put it, …what sublimity of mind was his who dreamed of finding means to communicate his deepest thoughts to any other person, though distant by mighty intervals of place and time!
I Beheld. I Spilled.
‘fruere vita’