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Bishow Shrestha

The Harlem Shake

Lucky, I have a brother who’s also my soul friend.

He is the reason why I never really cared about wasting energy in forced companionship.

For I was born with one forever friend and that’s him, a worthy heritage to forever flaunt, to forever flare.

Touch wood.


He is the reason why I’d never really care if somebody or anybody disses me, be yesterday, today or tomorrow.

He gave me an utter freedom to happily enjoy my lonesomeness. He is why I can be alone at will and still thrive because his cocoon was ever present whenever I needed one.

He never asked for my attention because he knew in his heart that he has my whole heart.

He was always there through most of my terrible thick and thins —  gladly he lived my plights, my stories.

Glad, he still does.

Our humble relationship as twin brothers, or be it as the funniest two bones  — will certainly end one day, not today.

I hope not ever.

p.s.We shared the same warmish womb together, didn’t we? And that’s the cutest thing I’ll forever cherish having done that with you.

Bishow Shrestha.

Lucky to have you.

Lucky to have two.

